Facilities (partial list)
Our lab has large work space (~100 sq. meters) and is very well equipped. Among our facilities:
Electrochemical scanning probe microscope (Molecular Imaging's PicoSPM™)
NSOM/SPM scan head assembly (Nanonics Imaging's MultiView 1000)
Potentiostats/galvanostats, including for electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and electrochemical hydrogen permeation tests (Bio-Logic SAS' VSP and SP-300, EG&G 263A)
Rotating disk electrode (Pine Research Instrumentation, Inc., Modulated Speed Rotator (MSR))
UV/VIS Spectrometer (Bio-Logic SAS' SEC2000)
Electrochemistry Lab System (Keithley's 2450-EC)
Dedicated software: CorrWare/CorrView (ver. 2.6b, Scribner Associates), PHREEQC geochemical computer program
A variety of electrochemical cell kits (including Devanathan-Stachurski cell, flat cells and paint cell kit)
High-temperature furnace (Nabertherm's Supertherm HT04/17)
Bio-Ferrograph (Guilfoyle's 2100)
Light microscope (Olympus' IX71), equipped with ColorView II CCD camera and analySIS Docu software package (Soft Imaging System)
Grit blast machine (Carlo De Giorgi SandyPlus GD)
Electronic balances with density determination kits (Sartorius' Basic BA 210 S and Precisa ES225SM-DR)
Powder sieving system (Kurt Retsch Shaker AS200 basic)
Mechanical grinding & polishing machine (Jean Wirtz Phoenix 4000/2V)
Precise specimen holder for preparation of histological samples
Chemical and biological hoods (ADS Laminar)
In addition, we are routinely taking advantage (use per charge) of the following neighbor centers and labs:
Teaching Lab of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (room 266)
Glass Blowing Workshop, School of Chemistry
Mechanical Workshop for Research and Development, School of Chemistry
Mechanical Workshop, School of Mechanical Engineering
University Analytical Chemistry Lab, School of Chemistry
Mass Spectrometry Lab, School of Chemistry
NMR Lab, School of Chemistry
The Statistical Consulting Lab, School of Mathematical Sciences
ZABAM Instrumentation and Service Center, Faculty of Life Sciences